The SEND review highlights the broad issues for children with SEN:
- Long delays in accessing support
- Long journey to their special school
- Educational placement out of area
- Inconsistency
- Lost confidence in mainstream provision
- Financial resources and workforce capacity pulled to the specialist end of the system leading to issues in delivering early intervention and effective & timely support in mainstream.
- Parents are feeling
- Not heard, not supported
- Statutory Assessment Process is too complicated
- Not listened too
- Unable to reach and speak to the SEN department
- They have to fight for what is right for their child
- The LA finds itself with many complaints:
- Customer service
- Difficult to understand/navigate
- The mainstream support:
- Train staff re Mainstream Core Standards / Statutory Assessment Process / where to get support / what is available
- Advise re SEND paperwork
- Support in completing paperwork / evidence trail /
- Explain Statutory Assessment Process / SENDIST
- The LA support:
- Look at best practice
- Child Young Person / Families at heart of decision
- Reduce special educational placement / independent placement
- Train/support staff in speaking and working with parents
- Joint working / co-production
- Attend meetings
- Parents support:
- Attend meetings as advocate
- Explain process
Support with appeals / appendices / evidence